2007 Golden Screw-Nut Awards

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The 2007 Golden Screw-Nut Awards ceremonies took place on May 10, 2008, starting at ca. 5:00 PM (GMT). For the first ceremony the list of eligible works wasn't limited to one year only and represented work from all the years of Russian-speaking Fandom's existence. Also awards in 'All-Time Best' and 'Legend of the Fandom' categories were given out this time to further advance this concept.

The text part of the ceremonmy was written by Silent Shadow, DeLTa and Gyrotank. Prize banners and diplomas were made by DeLTa.

The storyline for the Awards revolved around the Rescue Rangers themselves as well as main supporting characters from the show, like Foxglove, Tammy, Bink, Lahwhinie and others. On the evening of the ceremony, Silent Shadow, Commander-in-chief of the Russian CDRR Headquarters, talks with one of his favorite net correspondents and informs her about his plans to conduct such a ceremony and all the problems associated with it that render the plans almost impossible. His friend agrees to help and he disconnects and goes to sleep, not knowing that he had just spoken to Gadget herself who established her own Internet account to be able to speak with the Humans and know about their problems without them knowing who they are talking to.

Gadget gathers her friends and together they come up with a plan. With the help of Foxglove's magic, they'll enter the dreams of the sleeping Rangerphiles and gather them in one place in the realm of Wordly Astral and make a ceremony for them which for all of them would seem having taken place in the dream and thus the secrecy of Rangers existence in the real world would remain unviolated.

Gathering all their friends, Rescue Rangers go to sleep themselves and the ceremony begins...

Best Artwork

Best Black & White Image: Classroom [1] by Artist

Further nominees:

Best Colored Image (with pencils/pens/soft-tip pens/paint): Autumn [11] by Trash

Further nominees:

  • Think Again by DeLTa
  • Landing Gadget [12] by Tanka
  • Packman's Worst Nightmare [13] by KomandoRR

Best Computerised Image (made with the help of graphic editing software and/or program filters): Swing [14] by Artist

Further nominees:

  • New Year Picture [15] by Trash
  • The Sun [16] by Trash
  • A Hard Day [17] by Tanka
  • Tammy and the Star [18] by Tanka
  • Autumn [19] by Artist
  • Tired Chipmunks [20] by Artist
  • Look at Butterfly by DeLTa
  • Statue [21] by J
  • Striding Gadget [22] by J

Best Collage: Gadget on the Table [23] by SVZ

Best Comics: Unnamed comics by IP Guest

Further nominees:

  • Rescue Rangers: After the Team by Tanka
  • Comics by Robinhood

Best 3-D Piece: Lady Hunter [24] by SVZ

Further nominees:

Best Fanfiction

Best Classic Fanfic: The Sixth Ranger by IVM

Further nominees:

Best Fantastic Fanfic: Glomar Explorer-6 by Silent Shadow

Further nominees:

Best Action-style Fanfic: Spy Games by Silent Shadow

Further nominees:

Best Humorous Fanfic: Rescue Rangers and the BIIr by Alex & IVM

Further nominees:

Best Romantic Fanfic: They Need Me by Ul

Further nominees:

Best Stuff

Best Stuff Made With One's Own Hands: Winter Mouse by TaTka

Further nominees:

  • Clock with Gadget [28] by SVZ
  • Plaster Figure of Gadget by Fogel
  • Embroidery by TaTka
  • Lamp with Gadget [29] by Mechanic

Best Poetry

Most Heartfelt Poem: Love by Sergey Gris

Further nominees:

The Funniest Poem: The Ballad of Cheese by Alenka

Best Audiovisual Work

Best Audiovisual Work: New Adventures of Gadget Hackwrench [30] by Ruslan & Artist

Further nominees:

Best Foreign Works

Best Foreign Artist: fish

Further nominees:

Best Foreign Writer: Matt Plotecher

Further nominees:

Best Picture by Foreign Artist: Gadgetspy [34] by Rye

Further nominees:

  • A Mouse and Her Munk [35] by Lilacstarprint
  • Chip & Dale in the Rye [36] by Rye
  • Ranger Mother's Day [37] by fish
  • Happy Valentine's Day [38] by fish
  • Tammy [39] by Toni
  • Gadget [40] by Toni
  • Dale and Foxy Hangin' Out [41] by fish
  • Bink [42] by Winston

Best Fanfic by Foreign Author: Of Mice and Mayhem by fish

Further nominees:

The Best

Best Artist: Tie between DeLTa and Artist

Further nominees:

Best Writer: Tie between Silent Shadow and Gyrotank

Further nominees:

Best 3-d maker/animator: SVZ

Further nominees:

  • Ruslan & Artist
  • Pater Falsi

All-Time Best

Best All-Time Artist: DeLTa

Further nominees:

  • Trash
  • NN

Best All-Time Writer: IVM

Further nominees:

  • Gyrotank
  • Silent Shadow
  • Alex
  • Pater Falsi

Best All-Time Artwork: I'll Be Alone... Everything [43] by DeLTa

Further nominees:

  • The Look [44] by Artist
  • Classroom [45] by Artist
  • Gadget [46] by Pater Falsi
  • Swing [47] by Artist
  • Yes, daddy [48] by Pater Falsi

Best All-Time Fanfic: 'Tomorrow' is for 'Never' by Gyrotank

Further nominees:

  • The Vanquisher of Princesses by Alex & IVM
  • The Sixth Ranger by IVM
  • Angels Fly Not Only in the Sky by Alex & IVM
  • Spy Games by Silent Shadow
  • They Need Me by Ul

Special Award

The Legend of the Fandom: Tie between Pater Falsi aka Loki and Silent Shadow

Further nominees:

External Links

The 2007 Golden Screw-Nut Awards at Russian CDRR Headquarters (in Russian):

The Main Page of The Golden Screw-Nut Awards with rules, nominees and winners lists

Chapter 1: The Beginning (how Rescue Rangers become familiar with the problems and decide to help people prepare and conduct the ceremony)

Chapter 2: Plan Set To Motion

Chapter 3: Everybody's Here, We Can Begin! (the ceremony itself)

Chapter 4: The Final (ceremony's wrap-up)