2013 Golden Screw-Nut Awards

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The 2013 Golden Screw-Nut Awards ceremony took place on May 25th, 2014.

The text part was written by: Astronom, Nick, Sillimanit. It is currently the largest among all the ceremonies.

Best Artwork

Best Black-White Image: Fogel - Playfur [1]

Other nominees:

  • Agent Chip – Photographer [2]
  • Agent Chip - Gadget Behind the Wheel [3]
  • Agent Chip - Gadget on Ice [4]
  • Agent Chip - Hide and Seek (illustration for Dark Water by PengWin) [5]
  • Agent Chip - The First Encounter [6]
  • Agent Chip - Prophecies (illustration for Dark Water by PengWin) [7]
  • Alex_fox - Dale Lu Chengs [8]
  • Alex_fox - Kate is Leaving Already [9]
  • Alex_fox - Leave Her Alone [10]
  • Alex_fox - The Beach [11]
  • DaisyFancy - Foxy [12]
  • DTZoN - Trixie and Lawainie [13]
  • Fogel - One Little Spark [14]
  • Kejzfox - Gadget [15]
  • Vladimir - Cheerleading [16]

Best Black-White Image with Hatchwork: Tie between Alex_fox – I Won't! [17], Alex_fox – Portrait [18] and Fogel – DTZ's Date [19]

Other nominees:

  • Agent Chip – Hatchwork [20]
  • Alex_fox – Everyone [21]
  • Alex_fox – Spring Will COme [22]
  • Alex_fox – Gadget Listens to Pink Floyd [23]
  • Alex_fox – Good Morning [24]
  • Alex_fox – Wings [25]
  • Alex_fox – Summer Sky [26]
  • Alex_fox – It's Not That Bad [27]
  • Alex_fox – While It's Raining [28]
  • Alex_fox – Farewell, Parrot!.. [29]
  • Alex_fox – Chip on a Ferry [30]
  • Alex_fox – Is It You? [31]
  • Alex_fox – I'm Still Alive! [32]
  • Fogel – I am the Terror That Flaps in the Night! [33]
  • MotoHoboChip and Dale Get Parts for Gadget [34]
  • RukakoMoe-moe-kyun [35]
  • YoungoldParody on Alita [36]

Best Colored Image (Traditional): LawainiDale and Foxy (Rainbow Heart) [37]

Other nominees:

Best CGI Image: Tie between Agent Chip - The New Nightmare (illustration for Dark Water by PengWin) [43], Hamsy - Repair in the Desert [44], Ramdale - Ramdale the Decaffeinator [45], beffana - Gadget [46], Kejzfox - Gadget [47], Moz87 - Adventure [48], Trash - Souvenir [49]

Other nominees:

Best Collage: Astronom - Angry Rescue Rangers [64]

Other nominees:

Best Comic

Best Comic: Fogel – The Best Fish [66]

Best Narrative Screenshot Sequence: Astronom – Return of Buffy [67]

Other nominees:

  • Astronom – Why Don't These Planes Fly Like Birds? [68]
  • Astronom – A Medal Has Two Sides [69]
  • Astronom – One Subway's Good, But Two Is Too Much [70]
  • Astronom – “Sweet” Memories [71]

Best Fanfiction

Best Adventure Fanfic: Tie between Astronom – Amidst the Ocean and Gyrotank – For a Nickel or a Crime

Other nominees:

Best Fantastic Fanfic: NickFlecks of Dusk

Other nominees:

Best Action Fanfic: StoneKing – Witch's Kiss

Other nominees:

Best Humorous Fanfic: DaniilThe Great Laundry

Other nominees:

Best Romantic Fanfic: StoneKing – Witch's Kiss

Other nominees:

Best Miscellaneous Fanfic: Tie between SillimanitWorkdays and PengWin – Autumn Comes Again

Other nominees:

Best Poetry

Best Miscellaneous Poem: Ivanov AntonMake Your Son a Wooden Sword

Other nominees:

  • Lonehackeer – To Fat Cat

Best Lyric Poem: Sillimanit – Memory

Other nominees:

  • Lyonel – Enough Losses For Me
  • Lonehackeer – Autumn Dream
  • Lonehackeer – To Fat Cat

Best Humorous Poem: Sillimanit – Gadget's Riding on a Car

Other nominees:

  • Sillimanit – Bad Advice From Dale
  • Lyonel – Monty'n'Roll

Best Tragic Poem: Sillimanit – Memory

Other nominees:

  • Volalex – Fading Love

Best Translation

Best Translation of Fanfic: Ukhmic - The Princess Thing ( translation of the story by Candy Courtnier)

Best Stuff

Best Stuff: ZakGadget-Waitress [72]

Other nominees:

  • Zak – Hug me [73]
  • Zak – Gadget Sunbathing [74]

Best Video

Best Music Video: CrayRammstein & CDRR – Schtiel [75]

Best Foreign Works

Best Foreign Artist: livefunknouveau a.k.a. Chris Fischer

Other nominees:

Best Foreign Writer: Tie between L. Cranston and T.S.

Other nominees:

Best Foreign Comic-maker: HawkeyeNFO

Best Picture by Foreign Artist: CartoongirlsGadget [76]

Other nominees:

Best Fanfic by Foreign Author: L. Cranston – Everything Changes

Other nominees:

Best Comic by Foreign Author: HawkeyeNFO - CDRR/Star Wars Crossover Comic

The Best

Best Traditional Artist: Alex_fox

Other nominees:

Best CGI Artist: Agent Chip

Other nominees:

Best Comic-maker: Fogel

Other nominees:

Best Writer: Nick

Other nominees:

Best Poet: Sillimanit

Other nominees:

Best Clipmaker: Cray

Special Awards

The Rangerphile of the Year: Nick – for his selfless efforts as the administrator and his help with making of the site, for the greatest contribution of himself to the site and the forum

Other nominees:

  • Agent Chip – for his more than one-year-long titanic efforts on the Russian CDRR HQ's new design
  • Gyrotank – for having been tirelessly writing and translating great fanfics for seven years already

Special Awards by CDRR HQ Administration for special merits:

  • vlad pavlovich - for active assistance with the new site development
  • Cray - for his severl years-worth efforts as a forim mod

External Links

The 2013 Golden Screw-Nut Awards at Russian CDRR Headquarters (in Russian):

The Main Page of GSNA with rules, nominees and winners lists

The Ceremony