Writing credits: John Nowak
Written: 1998 (educated guess based on the story having been nominated for Plato Awards)
First released:
Title reference: Icarus, son of Daedalus from the Greek mythology
Part of series: Second Nowakverse story, preceded by Under the Bridge and followed by Sovereign.
Length: 34,035 words, 22 chapters
Rating: PG-13 (Gyrotank: PG-13 with some very suggestive situations, dialogs and jokes bordering on R)
Geegaw Hackwrench, a test pilot for Ultra-Flight and Gadget's father, died in a plane crash. It's reason was never determined without doubt, being attributed to either engine failure or pilot error. Now, many years after, the investigation is opened again, with both the Rangers and Widget on the case.
Important Characters
The Rescue Rangers
The Ranger Wing
The Ranger Skate
Ultra-Flight Laboratories featured here are indeed mentioned in the show, in To the Rescue, (Part 3), when Gadget shows Screaming Eagle to other 'Rescue Rangers to be' and says "lt was an experimental model from the Ultra-Flight Laboratories..."
External Links
Russian translation of Icarus by Gyrotank at the Russian CDRR Portal (web-page)
Russian translation of Icarus by Gyrotank at the Russian CDRR Headquarters (.zip archive file with .pdf, 776 KB)