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Fat Cat's casino is well known among the animal population of the Ranger's hometown.

Canonical Information


The casino is located on top of the Happy Tom cat food factory, right inside its mascot: a huge statue of a smiling cat. It's divided into two major parts: the casino itself which is located in the cat's body and Fat Cat's office inside the head. These parts are connected by an elevator.


We only get to see the casino itself in a few episodes (namely Adventures in Squirrelsitting and To the Rescue (Parts 1)), but from what is shown, it seems to be pretty popular among the shadier characters of the animal population and insure a steady income for Fat Cat.

Most of the time though, we only get to see Fat Cat's office where he spents a lot of time planning his latest schemes to get more riches and power.


The casino (or at least the office) appears in the following episodes:

Adventures in Squirrelsitting

Flash the Wonder Dog

A Lad in a Lamp

Battle of the Bulge


To the Rescue (Part 1)


A Lean on the Property

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