2012 Golden Screw-Nut Awards
The 2012 Golden Screw-Nut Awards ceremony took place on April 28, 2013.
Text part was written by Sillimanit, Nikandrev, StoneKing, Tamias, Montery Jack, Draco.
Best Artwork
Best Black-White Image: Agent Chip - D&G [1]
Other nominees:
- Agent Chip - Kapoeira Time! [2]
- Agent Chip - Gadget in Romantic Mood' [3]
- Agent Chip - Diving [4]
- Agent Chip - Dale-Naruto [5]
- Agent Chip - Winter Entertainment [6]
- Agent Chip - Tennis [7]
- AGM - By the Roadside [8]
- Alex_fox - Gadget in the Kitchen [9]
- Alex_fox - Summer, Sun [10]
- Alex_fox - Post-Apocalypse [11]
- Alex_fox - Rangers' Day Off [12]
- Alex_fox - Foxy Gathers Chestnuts [13]
- CrMaReLi - Cut the Green One! [14]
- DTZoN - Achieve First! [15]
- Gogi - Zipper [16]
- Kejzfox - Gadget Dreaming [17]
- Panda - Gadget on a Swing [18]
- Panda - Zipper [19]
- Panda - Chip [20]
- Youngold - Samurai Dale [21]
- Vladimir - You hoo! [22]
Best Colored Image (Traditional): DaisyFancy - Sleeping Foxy [23]
Best CGI Image: Agent Chip - Light of Dusk (illustration for "Dark Water" by PengWin) [24]
Other nominees:
- Agent Chip - Foxy vs Gadget [25]
- AGM - Scrapyard [26]
- Alex_fox - Give Me Your Hand! [27]
- Alex_fox - Another Dusk [28]
- Alex_fox - Calendar with Foxy for April 2012 [29]
- Alex_fox - On the Run [30]
- Alex_fox - Bright World [31]
- cdrrunderground - Spiced Experiment [32]
- CrMaReLi - Rest [33]
- CrMaReLi - Turning into a Monster [34]
- CrMaReLi - Jump! [35]
- DeLTa - Love? Like? Love! [36]
- DeLTa - Rhythm as Rhythm [37]
- DeLTa - Service [38]
- Hamsy - Gadget and Snowman [39]
- vincent - Autumn [40]
Best Collage: Alex_fox - Soldier of Fortune [41]
Other nominees:
- Agent Chip - cover for "Offensive Care" by Gyrotank [42]
Best 3-D Piece: Gaia 3D - Gadget with a Crossbow [43]
Best Comic
Best Comic: Junker - Closer to the Skies [44]
Other nominees:
- А_Swintura - Chip and Dale Rage Rangers [45]
Best Narrative Screenshot Sequence: Astronom - Big Space Voyage [46]
Прочие номинанты:
- Astronom - In Search of the Genie [47]
- Astronom - Once Upon a Time in Egypt [48]
- Astronom - Gadget's Birthday [49]
- Astronom - Heist of the Century [50]
- Astronom - Journey to Brazil [51]
- Astronom - Hard Day [52]
- Astronom - Hurricane [53]
Best Fanfiction
Best Adventure Fanfic: Nikandrev - Let It Be...
Other nominees:
- Astronom - Moonlight
- CrMaReLi - Sausage-Man and Ringy
- Dirk Senken - On Birds
- Lonehackeer - Blue Abyss
- Prapor - Halloween a-la...
- StoneKing - Victim
- StoneKing - Through the Eye of a Thief
- StoneKing - Help Yourself!
- StoneKing - Chemistry of Friendship
- Gyrotank - Owl Play
- Nikandrev - Never Give-Up!
Best Fantastic Fanfic: Tie between StoneKing - Broken Mirror and Draco - Kreiterveiss
Other nominees:
- CrMaReLi - Call
- CrMaReLi - Halloween in Shadow's Way
- Montery Jack - Rescue Rangers: War with the Clones
- PengWin - Quantum of Solace
- Quark - Lunar Program Renewal
- StoneKing - Scheme
- StoneKing - Fallen Sky
- StoneKing - Balck Card
- vlad_pavlovich - Avekko's Heart
- Draco - Basalt
- Draco - I Hear Light in Dark of Night
Best Action Fanfic: Nikandrev - Never Give-Up!
Other nominees:
- Astronom - 2977
- Lonehackeer - Blue Abyss
- PengWin - Night of Fear
- vlad_pavlovich - Avekko's Heart
- Draco - I Hear Light in Dark of Night
- Draco - Kreiterveiss
Best Humorous Fanfic: CrMaReLi - SS is for "Sinister Supper"
Other nominees:
- CrMaReLi - No One Will Believe You
- Dirk Senken - Hen Party
- Montery Jack - On Nimnul and Winifred
- Montery Jack - Rescue Rangers: War with the Clones
- PengWin - Night of Fear
- Prapor - White Avenger
- Prapor - End of Days
- Prapor - Halloween a-la...
- Quark - Fat Cat's Birthday
- Quark - The Real Diary
Best Romantic Fanfic: Nikandrev - While Candle is Burning
Other nominees:
- Agent 00-DALE - Confession
- Montery Jack - Supper with a Surprise
- PengWin - Mist
- StoneKing - Star Light
- StoneKing - Black Card
- Nikandrev - Romantic Travel
Best Miscellaneous Fanfic: Lonehackeer - Mouse from Childhood
Other nominees:
- Astronom - Nightmare in Waking
- Dirk Senken - IPad
- Montery Jack - When Memories Return
- Montery Jack - Puppet Masters
- Tamias - Gadget's Diary – 48 Hours
- vlad_pavlovich - Avekko's Heart
- StoneKing - When Author is Helpless
- StoneKing - What Letters Hide
- Nikandrev - While Candle is Burning
Best Poetry
Best Miscellaneous Poem: Sillimanit - Pencil. Paper. Rubber
Other nominees:
- Lonehackeer - Evening at the HQ
- Lonehackeer - To Dale
- Volalex - To Zipper
Best Lyric Poem: Sillimanit - Do You Remember?..
Other nominees:
- Lonehackeer - To Gadget
- Lonehackeer - New Year Poem
- Volalex - Nameless Love
Best Humorous Poem: Sillimanit - Spring
Best Tragic Poem: Volalex - Life Story
Other nominees:
- Volalex - Lost Love
Best Translation
Best Translation of Fanfic: Gyrotank - Rhyme and Reason (translation of the story by Michael Demcio)
Other nominees:
- Montery Jack - A Swing a Ms (translation of the story by DyNaMoDave)
- Lonehackeer - Dale the Detective: Case of the Nabbed Necklace (translation of the story by Dr. Indy and Chris Silva)
Best Stuff
Best Stuff: Zak - Gadget made of beads [http://forum.cdrrhq.ru/gallery/image.php?album_id=56&image_id=1816
Other nominees:
- Agent Chip - Medals for the Art Competition [54]
Best Video
Best Music Video: Cray - Ohne Dich [55]
Other nominees:
Best Music
Best Song: Sillimanit - Nimnul's Song
Other nominees:
- Sillimanit - White Song (about Chip)
- Sillimanit - Evening Song
Best Foreign Works
Best Foreign Artist: Mahdra
Other nominees:
Best Foreign Writer: Bubbles' Big Brother (posthumously)
Other nominees:
Best Foreign Comic-maker: HawkeyeNFO
Best Picture by Foreign Artist: Mahdra - Gadget [58]
Other nominees:
- Saraggle - Evil Chip and Gadget [59]
Best Fanfic by Foreign Author: Tie between Nathair_Sionnach - The Mice of War and Mayhem - Oppan Cafe Style!
Other nominees:
- BOC42 - Common Ground
Best Comic by Foreign Author: HawkeyeNFO - CDRR/Star Wars Crossover Comic
The Best
Best Traditional Artist: Agent Chip
Other nominees:
Best CGI Artist: Agent Chip
Other nominees:
- Alex_fox
- cdrrunderground
- DeLTa
- Hamsy
- Youngold
Best 3-D Artist: Stich
Other nominees:
Best Comic-maker: Junker
Other nominees:
Best Writer: Tie between Nikandrev and Stoneking
Other nominees:
Best poet: Sillimanit
Прочие номинанты:
- Lonehackeer
- Montery Jack
- Volalex
- Roman Drommy Lightyear
Best Clipmaker: Cray
Special Awards
The Rangerphile of the Year: Agent Chip, Nikandrev and Sillimanit - for skill and commitment while organizing and navigating HQ tournaments and Golden Screw-Nut Award ceremonies
Other nominees:
- qq_ - for great amount of work making forum function.
- StoneKing - for being very active both in art and forum work.
- Gyrotank - for great amount of work as a writer.
Legend of Fandom: Agent Chip - for inhumane faithfulness to our heroes, for insurpassable artistic talent and skilful Forum management.
Прочие номинанты:
- DeLTa - for large amount of simply great artworks and simply being a very interesting person.
- DTZoN – for outstanding writing talent, massive artistic skills, and simply for being nice and clever guy with no megalomania.
- Fogel - for colossal services to the Fandom, faithfulness to Rescue Rangers and his CDRR HQ friends.
- Montery Jack – for endless creative energy and faithfulness to the Fandom.
- Sillimanit - very extraordinary man producing simply breathtaking stories. And in general he's very... positive, I dunno how to express it otherwise (© Outdoorsman).
- Tanka - for huge contributions into creation and development of Russian-speaking and international Fandom in general and for administering RRDataBase in particular.
- Trash - one of the best RRtists.
- Gyrotank - the most productive writer and translator.
- Nikandrev - for great help in forum management, for big work filling site with content, for large quantity of great stories.
Special Awards by CDRR HQ Administration for special merits:
- Agent 00-Dale - "for helping proofread and prepare for publication the Third fanfiction collection"
- DaisyFancy - "for active help proofreading books"
- Agent Chip - "for creation of covers for the Third fanfiction collection and Gyrotank's Trilogy 2-volume edition"
- Gray Cat - "main ideologic abetter and performer of colossal work to publish Gyrotank's Trilogy"
- Montery Jack - "participant of fanfiction collection publication, famous short story master"
- Dirk Senken - "for numerous material assistance for HQ projects"
- Lonehackeer - "for invaluable help putting stories to the HQ main site"
- Sillimanit - "for invaluable help in all complex HQ projects"
- StoneKing - "for the most active participation on book publishing"
- Nikandrev - "for large work with site content and also for organizing and navigating Writers Contest and Golden Screw-Nut Award"
- qq_ - "for huge work maintaining forum functioning"
External Links
The 2012 Golden Screw-Nut Awards at Russian CDRR Headquarters (in Russian):
The Main Page of GSNA with rules, nominees and winners lists