2015 Golden Acorn Awards
The 2015 Golden Acorn Awards ceremonies took place on February 26, 2016.
Artwork Awards
Best Black and White Image: Sight? Tssss! by Hamsy [1]
Other nominees:
Best Color Image: Tie between The Chip and Dale Animation Cel Project (Final Test Cel) by singhcr [4] and 2014 GA Awards Plaque by RamDale [5]
Other nominees:
- Older Gadget (for singchr's Rescue Rangers: Redemption) by saraggle91 [6]
- To The Rescue DVD Cover FanArt by tellyweb [7]
Best Non-Ranger Artwork: Vanellope and Calhoun (Wreck-It Ralph) for International Women's Day by saraggle91 [8]
Other nominees:
- The Monster Team (Comic) by Roman SSSR [9]
- Nostalgia Critic DVD Fancover by tellyweb [10]
Best Artwork: Tie between 2014 GA Awards Plaque by RamDale [11] and The Chip and Dale Animation Cel Project (Final Test Cel) by singhcr [12]
Other nominees:
- The Monster Team (Comic) by Roman SSSR [13]
Best Artist: RamDale
Other nominees:
- saraggle91
- singhcr
- Hamsy
- tellyweb
Written Work Awards
Best Song Parody: Fear of the Boss by ModernTimes
Other nominees:
- Northblight theme song by Gyrotank
- Lawhiney by Gwendolyn_Katsche
Best Short Story: Tie between Rescue Rangers: Redemption by singhcr, Endgame: The Preamble by Dr. Indy, and Closer to Fine by iceberg210
Best Non-Ranger Story: The Generosity of a Stranger by Lord Thunder
Best Russian Story: Tie between Laos by Prapor, Great Lakes Ghosts by vlad pavlovich and Loyalty by StoneKing
Best Story: Rescue Rangers: Redemption by singhcr
Other nominees:
- Northblight by Gyrotank
- Closer to Fine by iceberg210
Best Author: Gyrotank
Other nominees:
- iceberg210
- Lord Thunder
Rangerphile Awards
The Desert Mouse Most Helpful Rangerphile: singhr
Other nominees:
The Greyhound Bus Best Nutcase: Tie between Arztek and Wiggles
Other nominees:
The Mark Morgan Most Prolific Rangerphile: Tie between singhr and Hamsy
Best Caption: zaptifun
Special Mention: singhcr for creating/curating/contributing to the Cafe Archive and his Animation Cel project
Other nominees:
- Mole204 for his Holidays for the Rangergang comics
- Nathan Kaiser for his MLP Fan Character Ribbons V 1.1
- RangerReady23 for coordinating Rangercon 2015
Special Recognition Awards
2015 Rookie of the Year: WDTAProject
2015 Natasha Kashefipour Lifetime Achievement Award: zaptifun
Other nominees:
Honorary Rangers: singhcr and Arztec