Captain Fin

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Captain Finn is a one-shot character and the main villain in the episode A Creep in the Deep.

Canonical Information


Captain Finn is an anchovy, a small and supposedly delicious fish in some opinions. He wears a stereotypical white captains' hat and is often seen in the episode in a fishbowl when going above the waterline.


Captain Finn is an anchovy with revenge on his mind. He is the living (animated) embodiment of the old adage that one persons terrorist is anothers freedom fighter. Having captured the Rescue Rangers he places them in an "oxarium" and reveals his life story. Captain Finn was once set to become the Valedictorian of his graduating class of his School of Anchovies. However, before that could take place his entire school was netted and dragged to the surface where they were most likely eaten as pizza topping and salad garnish. Enraged by this he took to wandering the ocean floor, lost in thoughts of vengeance. One day he came upon an abandoned submarine ("It was almost new, only 20,000 leagues on it!") and recruited a crew. Having prepared his craft he set out on a one-anchovy terrorist campaign against his enemies, the Land Walkers.

Finn met with victory after victory in his personal war against the Land Walkers, namely destroying trucks carrying mackerel, "liberating" pet stores, and rampaging in restaurants, until he miscalculated Nemo the Orca. Attacking Sealand Aquarium Park Finn sent his "strong right arms" All Hands' the Octopus to set explosive charges against the side of Nemo's tank. Although they were unable to stop the explosion the capture of All Hands' by Gadget's invention of a fishing pole 97 Times Faster than Average lead to Finn's ultimate failure.

At the behest of the Rescue Rangers Nemo refuses Finn's offer of alliance. The Killer Whale (Orca) then proceeds to ram the Nautillus, sending Finn scrambling for cover. This action allowed Finn all the excuse he needed to add another group to his list of enemies, namely the Air Breathers.

Capturing the Rescue Rangers when they entered the Nautillus in the Ranger Sub Finn informs them that they will be his guests at the destruction of the county dam above their city. Despite their impores the Rescue Rangers are unable to sway him, and he goes to listen to his favorite relaxation, namely the shipboard organ.

It was this organ which leads to Finn's downfall, for having escaped with the help of Gadget's Glass Cutter the Rangers rig it as a pump to drain all the water from the sub in an attempt to stop the aquatic crew of the Nautillus as it approached the dam. Although he promises Captain Finn that he would stop the Rescue Rangers, All Hands' accidentally seals the doom of his Captain when he lets bubble solution (which the Rangers had been using to make diving helmets) into the organ.

Captain Finn's resolution to carry out his terrorist agenda against the Land Walker and Air Breathers is shown when he orders Mr. Starfish to ram the dam even at the possible cost of Finn's life and the life of his crew. But even as the water drains from inside the sub Finn hopes for the destruction of his tormentors. He is enraged though as the sub begins to lift into the air, carried on a cushion of the bubbles from his own organ!

Bellowing in disbelief Captain Finn and the Nautillus are then carried away, Gadget calculating his course being set towards the desert. There, by all known purposes, he, his crew, and his dreams of vengeance upon all Land Walkers and Air Breathers were destroyed with him in the boiling sun.


Captain Finn fulfills the role in this episode as the antagonist of the Rescue Rangers. It is worthy to note that he is a villain unlike any other the Rangers have had to surpress. He is quite simply a terrorist, a self-justified individual willing to use threat and destruction to achieve his own ends. Unlike Norton Nimnul he seeks no profit for himself. Unlike Fat Cat he has no want for power. Captain Finn is an intelligent individual who has chosen to fulfill his hopes of vengeance and revenge over the pursual of all other things, and that made him a worthy foe indeed.


Captain Finn's single appearance in the series was in the episode A Creep in the Deep, in which he was said creep. This episode first aired on November 13, 1989.


"Now I strike for all of Fishdom!"

"Destroy the kitchen of the Land Walkers!"

"He hasn't got his land legs yet..."

"Let that be a lesson to you! Never trust anyone who breathes air!"


Although references to the Jules Verne book 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea run rampant through the episode, Captain Finn never mentions the name Nautillus.

Captain Finn is referred to as "Captain Fin" in the captioning of the Volume 2 DVD set.

Accepted Fan Fiction Conventions

  • Despite the obvious danger he represents to humanity in general and the Rescue Rangers in particular Captain Finn has had scarce few appearances in fanon productions, either art or writings. This may be in some small part to the certainty of his end in the dessert, or for the obvious if unintentional bias against non-mammalian characters in the fandom.
  • It is generally accepted in the fandom that the submarine is in fact the Nautillus from 20,000 Leagues under the Sea.