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Revision as of 19:30, 27 November 2008 by Soda (Talk | contribs) (Personal Background)

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Soda is a member of the Chip 'n' Dale Rescue Ranger fan community and has been involved in fandom since 1998.

Personal Background

Soda is an Australian, currently living in Sydney, NSW. Soda was born in the early 1980s, and was raised on computers, books and cartoons. Soda completed high school in 1999, and finished a college course in Information Technology (Network Management) in 2001. Soda is currently in a long-term relationship with boyfriend, Morfran, and hopes that the Australian Government will soon extend marriage law to include same-sex couples.

Fandom Background

Below is a partial timeline of Soda's involvement in fandom.

Circa 1998 - Joined the Acorn Cafe as 'james'.

Circa 1999 - Produced the "Gadget HQ" website.

Circa 2001 - Discontinued the "Gadget HQ" website, and produced the "/home/chip" website.

Circa 2003 - Voluntarily left the Acorn Cafe, due to vocational commitments. Discontinued the "/home/chip" website.

May 2007 - Rejoined the Acorn Cafe, but voluntarily left shortly thereafter as he felt discriminated against. Joined Chip 'n' Dale Online. Banned from the Acorn Cafe for 'arguing the rules' (in this case, petitioning for equality and tolerance).

December 2007 - Readmitted into the Acorn Cafe, on understanding that Soda would be protected against discrimination. Promoted to assistant moderator[1] on Chip 'n' Dale Online.

January 2007 - Banned from the Acorn Cafe again, without warning, for allegedly misbehaving (by quoting the rules and by having an 'offensive avatar').

May 2008 - Joined the Fan History Wiki.

June 2008 - Promoted to global moderator on Chip 'n' Dale Online.

November 2008 - Joined the RangerWiki.

CnDRR Relationship Preferences be added, pending rule clarification...


"Chip 'n' Dale" (as 'Soda')


"Recent Fanart"

"Older Fanart"

Favourite Quotes

"It's heavy metal music... you're not supposed to think!" -Dale, Risky Beesness.

"Oh Monty, how many times do you think the wings can fall off a plane?" - Gadget, Catteries Not Included.