Van Man

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Van Man

May 30 1977

Van Man was born on the west coast of California at an unknown location inside of an alien space craft.

His nickname is taken from Steven Spielberg's “E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial” movie end credits.

He is a brown mouse with blue eyes and black hair. His clothing matches Chip's so he can attract a blonde girl mouse some day.

The Spirit of the RMS Titanic

A blonde girl mouse was born on May 31, 1981, in Belfast, Ireland. She is to be known as "Titanic" by her family.

Soundtrack of Titanic 2012

Through the Window (Cocoon) James Horner

Super 8

Van Man and Titanic 2012

RMS Titanic is back.

The film takes place in April 2012, 100 years since the sinking of the RMS Titanic. A new luxury cruise liner, the USS Titanic II, has been christened, and is soon to embark on her maiden voyage, on the same route the Titanic took 100 years before. The USS Titanic 2 was built by the Navy and sailed from Southampton, England, to New York City. During the voyage, there was no tsunami and no iceberg and there was no mishaps. Van Man was on board with his girlfriend the spirit of Titanic and they were the most popular young couple to ensure everybody the USS Titanic 2 would make it to New York successfully.

August, 2012

A giant life-sized model of the RMS Titanic is raised from the North Atlantic Ocean. The wreck was discovered in one piece and the Navy wants to raise her. The model of the RMS Titanic was designed by Van Man's dad and during the maiden voyage in 1982, the ship went down with great loss of life.

Van Man was five years old when it happened and now that his dad is retired, Van Man inherited the blueprints of the original design that had built the model. Van Man had also inherited the wreckage of the model of the Titanic now siting two miles down at the bottom of the Atlantic. He had full support of the Navy and the President of the United States had to produce the cost of finding and raising the Titanic.

In 1982, the RMS Titanic sunk to the bottom of the North Atlantic in one of history's most infamous maritime disasters. After 30 years, it is discovered that Titanic's hold contains a shipment of a rare mineral, the only available supply in the world large enough to power a top-secret and vital United States defense program. When no method can be found of extracting the mineral under more than 12,000 feet (3,700 m) of water, Van Man and his crew set out to do the impossible: raise the Titanic. Dr. Gene Seagram leads the top-secret Pentagon program Meta Section, which secretly attempts to leapfrog current technology by 20 to 30 years. One result: the Sicilian Project, which uses sound waves to stop incoming ballistic missiles. The immense power needs of the Sicilian Project can be met only by an extremely rare mineral called byzanium. After satellite data pinpoints the most likely source of byzanium, Meta Section sends Sid Koplin to a small island off the northern coast of Russia. There he discovers that the byzanium ore has already been mined. While making his way back to his hidden boat, Koplin is shot and captured by a Russian guard but is rescued by the story's protagonist, Van Man. Using clues found by Koplin, Seagram determines that the byzanium — a chunk worth more than a quarter of a billion dollars in 1912 figures — was mined in the early part of the 20th century by a group called The Coloradans. The group was hired by the French, but persuaded by the US government to steal the mineral for the United States. Joshua Hayes Brewster and his men engage in a running battle with French assassins as they crisscross Europe trying to get their stolen goods home. Only Brewster reaches England alive, and he books passage on the maiden voyage of the great White Star Line ship Titanic. Realizing that the only supply of byzanium sufficient to power the Sicilian Project now lies at the bottom of the North Atlantic, Dr. Seagram approaches Van Man and the National Underwater and Marine Agency and gives them the near impossible task of raising the Titanic. Using data from drop tank experiments Van Man is able to narrow down the search area and began searching with deep see submersibles. When they find a presentation model cornet hat they can link positively to a member of the Titanic's band, they know they are searching in the right place. After discovering that the Titanic is intact, they set out on audacious plan to patch all of the holes and then raise the wreck using compressed air. While this is happening the CIA convinces the US President to leak information on both the Sicilian Project and the Titanic mission to Russia in the hopes of setting a trap to capture one of the Russian's best intelligence men. When the leaders of Russia realize that the development of the Sicilian Project would throw off the balance of power in the world and leave their nuclear arsenal impotent they do just as the CIA hopes and launch an operation to sabotage the mission or if possible steal the byzanium for themselves. After Van Man is successful in raising the Titanic and exposing the Russian spies, all are shocked when it becomes apparent that the byzanium was never actually aboard the ship. This revelation, along with deep troubles with his marriage and the President's agreement to leaking word of the Sicilian Project to the Russians eventually cause Dr. Seagram to have a nervous breakdown from which he never recovers. It is eventually revealed that Joshua Hayes Brewster, fearful that he would never make it to the United States with the mineral alive, buried the byzanium in the grave of the last of the group to fall to the French assassins in the tiny English village of Southby.

The Titanic in the novel is described as being intact (the accepted version of the sinking, at the time of the writing and before the wreck was found, was that she sank intact) with both forward and aft mast collapsed, and all the smokestacks (with the exception of the fourth stack) missing. The fourth stack lies on the Titanic's upper deck.

The masts, smokestack and any other hazard are removed before the ship was raised. The ship when she appeared on the surface was said to have looked naked without her towering smokestacks. After surviving a hurricane in August of 2012, she arrives in New York with a huge welcome. The last mention of the Titanic is that she was in a New York dry-dock. The reader is left to decide what happens to her.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10