Van Man

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Van Man

May 30 1977

Van Man was born on the west coast of California at an unknown location inside of an alien space craft.

His nickname is taken from Steven Spielberg's “E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial” movie end credits.

He is a brown mouse with blue eyes and black hair. His clothing matches Chip's so he can attract a blonde girl mouse some day.

Close Encounters of the Third Kind


"Fantasy" by Earth,Wind, and Fire.



Mt. St. Helens eruption on May 18.


A blonde girl mouse was born on May 31 in Belfast, Ireland. She is to be known as "Titanic" by her family.


7121 Lonzo Street, Tujunga, Los Angeles, is Elliott's house from E.T.

Van Man was 5 years old when the movie came out.






Van Man was 10 when he discovered the Force.

He was rescued by space aliens and lived with them until 2002.



Van Man was 12.


Van Man was 13.


When production ended in 1991, more than 2,000,000 First-generation Tauruses had been sold.


Van Man was 15 when he moved to the old house. The original family from E.T. had moved out and Van Man had moved in with his alien mother.

The swimming pool had been added and there is a hot tub in the back yard. The swing set had been removed by the original family from 1982.


Van Man was at Gadget's Go-Coaster in Disneyland.

One Night Love Affair

The 1985 song is about a one night stand. The lyrics describe the encounter and the subsequent parting of ways of the protagonists, who, the song suggests, are concealing deeper feelings. Van Man had a crush on Gadget.

Originally, a one-night stand referred to a single night theater performance, usually by a guest group on tour. Today, however, the term is more commonly understood as a single close encounter between individuals, where neither individual has any immediate intention or expectation of establishing a long-term relationship.


Van Man graduated from high school.

Gadget: I never sleep, I don't know why. I had a roommate and I drove her nuts, I mean really nuts, they had to take her away in an ambulance and everything. But she's okay now, but she had to transfer to an easier school, but I don't know if that had anything to do with being my fault. But listen, if you ever need to talk or you need help studying just let me know, 'cause I'm just a couple doors down from you guys and I never sleep, okay?

Of course it’s her.

Gadget: Golly! Aren’t you going to invite a girl to a cup of coffee?


December 19


Van Man is 21.



RMS Olympic Restaurant

Celebrity Millennium


September 11.

Van Man survived the attacks.

He was saved by the Britannic. Titanic's sister.

The iPod was revealed on October 23. Van Man never knew about the product until 2006.


Van Man returns to the San Fernando Valley locations 20 years after the E.T. movie.

He experiences what it is like to be on his own.

Alien mother: "Chip, you must have faith that he will take the right path."


Dale and Gadget got married on March 3, 2003.

Gadget: Uh oh. Sticky stain on the carpet.

Van Man: Dale, can I borrow some of your cash? I'm really broke.

Dale (excited): I can't believe it's really him!

Dale's laughter.

Dale: Amen!

Van Man: Darn it. I'm out of clean socks!


Dale: Pretty yard, huh?

Dale falls down.

Dale: Pirate waiter.

Windows XP for Christmas by Gadget.


Van Man arrived at the old Acorn Cafe on January 9.

The new Acorn Cafe opened their doors and Van Man had noticed some changes.


Sydney, Australia.

Gadget gave Van Man his first iPod for his birthday at the Acorn Cafe. The device is black.


30th anniversary of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind".

Van Man: It's the best steak I have ever had.


The Sims 2.


Disney Cruise at the Bahamas.

Windows 7 for Christmas by Gadget.


Honolulu, Hawaii.

Camping at Devils Tower.


Resurrection Mary.


April 10

April 11

April 12

April 13

April 14

April 15